Todd Eckhart Pastor/ Apostolic/ Revivalist Minister Master Musician / Singer/Songwriter /Music Producer
CD Album
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The Story of the Key
Enter in, if you will, into the very presence of God. "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). As we are in a posture of being still and quiet before God we can "know" Him more intimately.
This recording was done live in a "soaking" service where everyone was being still before God in their own way. Every song was written as I went into His presence by inspiration of the Spirit of God. My heart was crying out for God to open a "door"...a "portal" into the heavenly realm. It was also heavy on my heart that God would bring His Glory and presence in great measure to that place.
After that night an "Open Heaven" appeared on the one side of the stage. An "Open Heaven" is a place in the spirit that is "God friendly".A place that people can experience God, angels, and other heavenly beings in a much greater way than normal. (Jacobs ladder and pool of Siloam)
As a result of this time of worship and the anointing on it, it became "the Key" to open that door, that "Open Heaven", that stairway into Heaven . This doorway can be opened up by using this "key". The "Key" is the power of God in the music and the time of prophetic worship that originally opened up this door.
So you must listen and be still to experience the amazing anointed presence of God that is on this recording. If you will do this, you will be totally filled with the very presence of God and your heart melted by His amazing love.
These songs are a journey starting with Jesus asking us to "Come Into This Place"to the climax of the instrumental song "In Your Arms". This powerful song needs no words for by it's very melody captures the heart of Jesus.
I am greatly humbled how these songs were born in a divinely inspired prophetic atmosphere making up lyrics and music on the spot.
God wants to take us from the outer courts and into the Holy of Holies which is into the very arms of Jesus. So insert this "Key" and unlock the door to this amazing place of intimacy with God.
Enjoy!! Todd